Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Nappy-Adjective describing hair style

Headed-Well, hair is on your head

Ho's-Implication that they are hookers of a sort

Now sure, this is a mean thing to say and certainly sexist, but I don't see how it is racist.

The basketball team was not all black as well, so Don was describing whites, asians, etc as well.

I miss you, Don, you were the only decent radio network in the morning.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

It was not racist. Sharpton just wanted to go after him. The problem is liberals do not understand the basic freedom of if you do not like it, turn it off.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

That's Al Sharpton and his racial political crusade for ya.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Sharpton and Jackson have said much worse over the years. Bigot Sharpton has a radio show. Go figure.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

it wasn't considered racist when Stevie Wonder sang about nappy headedness. the "ho" thing was an insult,but not racist. Sharpton used it to continue to create division.

added. Chi you have to admit sharpton and jackson have done much to undo the work of MLK Jr

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Amazing, isn't it?

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Don't worry.

Imus will be back.

Bank on it!!

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Yet responders are blaming Al Sharpton??? Wow! What a cop out.

For the record, I also enjoy the Imus show whenever I caught it. Sharpton didn't fire Imus, the network did. Why do neo-cons have a hard time blaming corporations for anything?

Good riddance to ALL indecent talk on public airways. Now if we can only muzzle those disgusting gangster rappers.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

I guess it's like that old adage:

"I can't describe exactly what pornography is ....but I know it when I see it!"

Same thing!

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

I think it's funny that you're trying to defend Don Imus' speech, yet you censor Danielle's.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

It wasn't racist, is was ignorant. In to days super sensitive media certain people can say things while others can not. Turn on BET any time and watch the comedians joke on white people with impunity. I didn't listen to Don's show but I think him being fired was over kill. I mean, were any of the women on the basketball team actually offended before they were told to be offended? Are they so thin skinned that they will be scarred for life?

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Have you ever heard of a white woman's hair being described as "nappy"? C'mon Man, you are acting very naive, and it is not flattering; you know exactly what was meant and who it was directed at.

Now, I don't think the "Punishment" fit the "crime", and I think Sharpton should take a flying leap, but don't play like you don't understand the criticism.

I miss Don. too. Everyone else is a conservative puppet or an idiot.

EDIT: Please don't "report" people unless the answer is filthy--YA is becoming very unpleasant.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Imus wouldn't have called a team of blonde girls "prostitutes". He smeared a group of studious fine young women he knew nothing about just because of the color of their skin. That is what makes it racist.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

All of the above are wrong.

Imus threatened to come forward and expose the fact that 911 was an inside job. So they "nipped" it in the bud and fired him over the first petty thing they could nail him with.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

"Your an idiot :/ "

Really? I didn't notice anyone here else missing the subtle difference between "your" and "you're."

Next question.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

Ok, if a black radio host called a predominately white women's basketball team stringy headed ho's or something like that, I have to say, it would offend me.

But on the other hand, I suppose it's difficult to understand how some people can get away with being extrememly racist while others are punished for it. Like stand up comics. Sure, they are making everyone laugh, but I am sure it offends some people. Should Don have followed up with a crack about white people to make it ok, like the comedians do?

There's a time and place for everything. There was no place for him to say that where he works. Even though he's not the only one in the world doing it, it simply wasn't appropriate.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

I'm not nor have I ever been a Don Imus fan as I was more into Stern and thought Imus was just an old Stern wanna be with a punk attitude. But having said that I think he got a raw deal because what happened to freedom of speech? AND like u at first I thought it shud have come down to a gender slur not racial. But eventually I learned that "nappy headed" was referring to the type of hair ****** have which then made it a racial thing. But I must remind u. if u look back at what happened it wasn't the networks that fired him first but all the companies paying for advertising on his show pulled out not leaving the networks any choice but to let him go. Don has enough money that he can retire to his ranch and kick back and relax.

I've never quite understood how what Don Imus said was racist.....?

You have never heard the word "nappy"??? Give me a break! If you're a racist, just be honest about it. Don't play dumb!

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