Saturday, August 1, 2009

Help me please!?

My natural hair color is black. I recently got a red dye, and the dye came through but hardly. It's more of a reddish brown than a vibrant red. I don't want terribly red hair, but I want the red to show through much more than it is. I wanted a brownish red like Keyshia Cole's here...

But it's more like this....

Any ideas on how to get it a more vibrant red without bleaching because I already dyed it.

I would also love some pics on nice hairstyle ideas. My b-day's coming up and I want my hair to be perfectly styled in the best red I can dye it. Thanks for your help.

Help me please!?

You Should Go CRAZY And Cut It All Off. That Seems To Be The Going Trend.

Help me please!?

Go to Paul Mithchell...

Help me please!?

try a darker red

Help me please!?

I think that hair color is good the way it is. Plus I think that the other hair color makes her look like a fruit cake. This look is more sophisticated and looks like you can do much more with the hair to make it prettier. Also if you leave it down its fun and natural.

Help me please!?

you can try to like get a different kind of red dye!! dyes come out different on different hairs. so if you had a dark red dye, try a bright red dye!! I wouldn't recommend bleaching at all because you really have to take good care of your hair or else it will make it thinner!!

Help me please!?

You used the wrong color. The color you used is mahogany not red. Its more of a purplish red.

(If the pics are correct...)

I suggest everyone go into a Beauty Supply store and look at the color swatches in the store. You can better choose the right color that way.

Without knowing what you originally used, its hard to say whether you can go from mahogany to reddish brown easily, but give it a go. It may take 2 this a few weeks apart tho. You don't want to damage your hair in the process.... I'd go for a spicy red copper or reddish brown!~

Got more questions?


Help me please!?

my hair is natural black also.... u can try dying it again like in two weeks to one month. to be on the safe side. Make sure to use the color guide (usually on the side of the box) to show u what naturally black hair will look like afterwards. For me I wanted brown hair so I dyed it with a blonde color dye. You might wanna try a brighter red dye.

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