ok well i just got this hair dryer and it has this volumizing finger diffuser looks like a black big circle wit holes and fingers what styles do you use it for and how do you use it cause idk what the whole purpose of this thing i tryed usen it and i felt kinda dumb lol plz help me
Whats a volumizing finger diffuser and how do u use it ?
i have the same thing its to make ur hair curly and add volume to it b4 you use it put mousse in ur hair then flip ur hair upside down an start at your roots with a circling motion then continue to dry going towards the ends of your hair then flip your hair up and there you go and for more waves try scrunching your hair while you do it hope this helps
Whats a volumizing finger diffuser and how do u use it ?
A diffuser is something that helps make curly hair well...more curly and gives the cutly hair volume. The finger diffuser Is probabbly when you use your finger to curl your hair....?....lol
Whats a volumizing finger diffuser and how do u use it ?
it makes ur hair curly wiv cold air sumtimes and stops it from tangleing, dnt feel dumb
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