Monday, July 27, 2009

Please advice needed for new hairstyle and colour...?

Right I'm 14 with gingery-brown hair in a short bob style. I'm growing it out to about shoulder length i think but need advice as to how to colour it. I've had highlights before but after a few weeks they always go all dry and strw-like. I'm thinking of keeping my hair gingery colour and putting big thick slices of black (or dark brown) under the first few layers and above the bottom layers.

Any comment ot suggestions anybody....??


Please advice needed for new hairstyle and colour...?

i love that look! it's so much better than bleach on your color hair. use a semipermanent color and it will fade out eventually so you can do another color if you want to. the thing with going darker is you can use a semipermanent color and not be 'married' to it.

Please advice needed for new hairstyle and colour...?

spikey and green

Please advice needed for new hairstyle and colour...?

well if you are growing i tout to shoulder length i suggest layers too.

and maybe even with those dark brown highlights you can do that same color underneath as a two tone.i did it and it looks really cool with brown/red hair too cuz normally blondes just do that look but it works for us.

Please advice needed for new hairstyle and colour...?

I'm not sure about black that can look a bit harsh, do it gradually getting darker each time. i know it will take longer but you are less likely to end up regretting it. Pluss dont forget brown and dark brown fade but black takes forever to get out, i made that mistake

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