I want to go for a new style, I'd like to call it the Androgynous look, I'd be wearing a lot of makeup, getting a girlier haircut, and wearing not so norm clothes.
like this boy, yes hes a boy:
How do I do the makeup [ I only use MAC, and I have very good skin, but I have black circles]?
How do I do the hair?
Where should I buy the clothes?
I'm thirteen, and I'm a BOY.
for more pictures of my style icon, visit his buzznet
New Style?
im not an expert at all but i would say maybe just regular girls clothing stores like forever 21 or even hot topic maybe. it looks like he just tucks it under regular clothes.
I would honestly say go to the hairdresser, go to the mall, ask these people who do hair and makeup professionally...show them a picture of the guy, and ask them if they can do that with you.
I would look in trendy teen stores, Forever 21, Charolotte Russe, Abercrombie, etc...get some things, go home try them on, and see what you like.
I don't want to be a hater like all these other people who answered your question, so, good luck!
New Style?
Dude are you gay
dont get offended or anything cuz i wouldnt care if you are
dont matter to me none
i just think thats a little too far in that direction if your not gay
ya know what im sayin
good luck wit yo new style though
Ballistic B
New Style?
ah, you want to be a transvestite. Its not commonly excepted by people- so you'll have to be brave.
Makeup- put a concealer under your eyes and then even it out with foundation. Then maybe some charcoal eyeliner (it takes practice, get a mother or friend to help) swipe on some clear gloss too.
hair- you can straighten it, use some styling or texturizing spray as well.
New Style?
Ohmyfxckinggod. What have kids become these days. Omg, boys dressing up like girls? That's creepy I'm sorry. That boy seriously looked like a girl. But I'm here to help. Try going to any store where girls shop. I guess you wear a wig or grow your hair long? Sorry, I'm just disturbed.
New Style?
i doubt thats you, but nice eyes..wish i had them!
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