Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Attracting teen guys?

K. I'm 15 and a sophmore in hs. I live in a small town where there really aren't any places to hang out except when someone has a party and that is pretty rare.

Personality-wise I'm bubbley, fun, hyper, sarcastic, sweet, talkative, loving, and forgiving almost to a fault.

Physically I'm overweight w/ a pretty face, green eyes, good sense of style, long brown hair w/ a reddish tint and black streaks (it all blends together and looks nice) that reaches to the small of my back, very fair skin, and I do basic make up every day and am pretty much known for always smelling good. lol.

How can I get a bf? How can I get a guy I like to like me? Is there anything (other than being overweight) wrong w/ me that u can see from my description that would make me really unappealing to guys? Plz help!

Attracting teen guys?

You just haven't met the right person. I live in a big town, and even here I hear women saying "where is mr right?". My opinion is it doesnt have anything to do with you, just not a lot of chances to meet the right person what it sounds like. Good Luck

Attracting teen guys?

Excuse me buy Jiyridan or whatevaaaaaaaaa ya name is. Dat was rude and insensitive. So shut up u bum. Anywayz honey you sound beautiful! The right guy will realize that one day. Give it time.

Attracting teen guys?

Well there's nothing wrong w/ you from what I can tell, but I could see a guy being intimidated or annoyed by the whole hyper thing. If that's who you are though, do not try to stop being bubbly. Just try to add "playing it cool" to your repertoire as well, so you create a nice balance.

Sounds like you're a really great person, and very intelligent. Just keep being yourself and the right guy will come along. Also, don't be shy about asking guys out. Some guys really like it when the girl makes the first move, especially guys that are into bubbly outgoing girls.

Attracting teen guys?

The first person who answered your question is an ***. Don't listen to him. He's the sort who'll end up old and alone.

You sounds lovely. You'll meet a guy someday. It is all a matter of being in the right place at the right time. You're only fifteen, trust me, you have time. Trust me, there is a guy out there for you.

Attracting teen guys?

sorry you are a fatty so find a guy who likes fat chicks, good luck with that.

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