some girls get creeped about my style i dont talk to much people and i long jet black straight hair but im all about the nocturnal deal kind goth and im more of a blackmetaler
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
as long as you like who cares what others think right? do what you want as long as no one gets hurt is my motto
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
If you like girls but you creep them out then yes it is bad for you
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
Do what ever makes you feel good.
You'll eventually change...most everyone does...
Goth is good... I must admit, I've never slept with one before though...
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
yeah. if you are interested in finding love.... try not to be so dark. girls like athletic or sensitive.... ARE YOU EITHER?!
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
Well my advise to you is people don't know what weird really means. They need to look at themselves before they judge.Don't change for nobody just follow on what you believe and hang with positive crowds that supports you in a healthy way.
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
It's not good at all - change your look so you're more approachable.
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
JESUS said "I AM THE LIGHT AND THE WAY" The devil is the dark side of life CHOOSE WISELY!!!!!!!
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
I'm all for being yourself,but if i was dating i'd be scared of the Dark part, but intrigued by the Mysterious part. There are lots of gothics, so if that's who you are,don't'll meet girls who are into the same things as you...however,if your "style" is keeping you from talking to people,you should maybe look into adjusting til you're on your own comfort level or work on the self esteem thing,ok? good luck to you
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
Its important to be your self and bee happy about it, being happy never hurt any body, you can be dark and feel good about your self, remember that no mather what we do we cant never make everybody around us happy for being our self's, so don't worry about it, give them the respect that you want for your self.
Be free.
Is being dark in mysterius for me bad or good?
Hey, be yourself, don't change for NO ONE! This is what makes you happy. Don't let some stupid chick take that away from you. Just find someone who has the same interest, their out there. If we were all the same we'd be ..boring. This is YOUR existence!!! My music is my life, and anyone in my past that I been with couldn't relate to that then......NEXT!!!!!! \,,/
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