Uh hum I need some help here peoples! NOTICE: I am doing this entirely for me and no one else, I閳ユ獡 just asking for some advice.I am a sophomore in high school and frequently hang out with the 閳ユΔetal heads閳?and sometimes the 閳ユ笀oth閳?kids. I have always had a very outgoing and quirky personality and now I am beginning to think that it閳ユ獨 time for my clothing and style to match my personality. I am not talking full on gothic black on black all the time. I mean dread locking my pink hair, getting a piercing or two (or three) and as for clothes, adding little touches to my basics (aka: like studded jewellery and bullet belts and big stompy boots added on to the classic hip hugging low rise jeans and camis. Maybe even the odd black nail polish too閳?I am doing this because I want to, but I don閳ユ獩 know how to without being labeled a poseur. Please help!!
ASAP importanto ? about style?
Fashion is an expression of who you are. It is wearing your art or selection of art that best describes you. Go for it!!
Have fun !! If others label you that is there problem.
Your only young once enjoy!
ASAP importanto ? about style?
I believe you should put on black jeans , black wife beater with a blue jean jacket , raise your dreadlocks up in two pig tails , Or one pigtail half of the top level of the head .
ASAP importanto ? about style?
anyone can pull off whatever fashion they wear as long as they wear it with CONFIDENCE
ASAP importanto ? about style?
no matter how you dress someone is going tothink of you as a poser, just stay true to yourself and who you are adn be happy =) dress how you wont and act how you want to thats not a poser, a poser is someone who dresses listens to music and acts a certain way bc its cool or in, but since your doing it strictly for yo uand the person you are then rock on and be yourself. xoxo
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